Friday, September 24, 2010

Aliens Vs. Predator 2 - Primal Hunt

Cheat Codes:


Update by: Amey Mulay

Update by: Helshad

Submitted by: conner54

While in game press "Enter" and type " " (include the space

after ), followed with the one of the codes from below and

then press "Enter" to enable the code.

Code Result


mpcanthurtme - God mode on/off

mpschuckit - Add weapons and ammo

mpsmithy - Full armor

mpkohler - Full ammo

mpstockpile - Full ammo

mpbeamme - Beam player to level start with initial conditions

mpsixthsense - No clip on/off

mpicu - 3rd person mode on/off

mptachometer - Show speed info on/off

mpsizeme - Show size info on/off

mpgrs - Show rotation info on/off

mpgps - Show position info on/off

mpfov - Edit (with keys) FOV value

mpvertextint - Edit (with keys) vertext tint

mplightadd - Edit (with keys) light amplification

mplightscale - Edit (with keys) light scale

mpbreach Edit - (with keys) weapon breach

mpwmpos Edit - (with keys) weapon offset 1

mpwpos Edit - (with keys) weapon offset 2

mpxfiles - Level select for all three species

mpdoctordoctor - Set health to indicated number

mpmorph - Change into indicated character type

mpmillertime - Marines have slurred voice

mpdeathtoall - Kill everything except your character

mpreloadbutes - Reload an attribute file

mptriggers - Toggle trigger boxes

mpmph - Displays framerate

mpconfig - Load new cfg file


Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2010


Aliens vs. Predator (2010)

We will get new cheats and hints soon for this game.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

We're doing our best to find cheats for this game.

At this moment we don't have Cheats, Hints or Tricks for this game.

If you have Cheats, Hints or Tricks for this video game console,

then feel free to submit them. You can also try our Forums, where

you can post your questions or share secrets that you have found with

other gamers.



Developed at Rebellion by the team responsible for the original 1999 PC

classic, the all-new Aliens vs. Predator allows players to take the role

of three infamous species: Colonial Marines, Predators and Aliens. The

game features a unique three-way online multiplayer experience, allowing

gamers to battle for survival and the right to be crowned the deadliest

species in the galaxy. Each race will also have its own distinct action-

packed single-player campaign mode, with a storyline that cleverly

interweaves with the other two species' paths.

Set on planet BG-386; a human colonist mining group discovers an ancient

pyramid containing a dark and horrible secret. Across the galaxy, a race

of warriors is alerted to the discovery of their pyramid and a hunting

party is dispatched to ensure that it remains sealed at all costs.

Deep inside the ruined pyramid meanwhile, nature's deadliest species

awakes from centuries of hibernation intent on finding new prey.



* The Colonial Marine's story is an incredible fight against all odds

from horrors lurking in the dark. Surrounded on all sides yet armed

to the teeth, the Colonial Marine represents humanity’s last stand

with the firepower to fight back.

* As the Alien, players will discover what it's like to be the scariest,

most murderous creature in the universe, with the ability to traverse

any surface at lightning speed in order to get close enough to unleash

its deadly claws, tail and teeth.

* A master of the hunt, the Predator grants the player an arsenal of

exotic weaponry with which to stalk from the shadows. Earn the greatest

honor by ambushing prey up-close, before butchering them for a gory

trophy kill.

* Play all sides off against each other in a series of unique 3-way online

modes and go tooth-to-claw-to-pulse rifle in the reinvention of one of

multiplayer gaming's defining moments.


Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2010


Aliens Vs. Predator

Cheat Codes:


Firstly: You must have the AvP save-game patch installed.

Secondly: Add -lampcxtr -debug to the command line.

ie: "C:\Fox\Aliens Versus Predator" -lampcxtr -debug

Then when in the mission press the tilde (~) key to

bring down the console and then you can type the

following codes:

"QUICKSAVE"/"QUICKLOAD" which always save/load to/from

the first save slot.

"SAVE #"/"LOAD #" (# is a number from 1-8) which save/load

to/from slot number #. "SAVESLEFT" displays how many saves

the player has remaining in the current level at the current

difficulty. This number is also displayed any time a game is

saved or loaded.

Normal Console Commands and Variables


The following CONSOLE VARIABLES are made available

(replace the # sign with a number), in-game help is

available by typing the "LISTVAR" command at the console:

"MOTIONTRACKERVOLUME" - this is set at its maximum of 1.0 by

default, the volume of the tracker

can be reduced by changing this number

(e.g. to 0.75 or0.5).

"CROUCHMODE" - this new console command allows players to change the

Aliens crouch/crawl to a toggle on/off key by typing

"CROUCHMODE 1" at the console. "CROUCHMODE 0" changes

back to the default setting.

Debugging Console Commands and Variables


Advanced users may now access some of the game's internal

debugging commands (which include features such as immortality)

by running the game with the command line option "-debug"

(e.g. "AVP.exe -debug").

In this mode Multiplayer is not available, levels will not be

flagged as completed, and no new official cheat modes will

become available. This basically means that players can

examine a level to which they already have access with

invulnerability, infinite weapons, etc. but can't open

up any new game levels or features.

The following CONSOLE COMMANDS are made available by this option,

in-game help is available by typing in "LISTCMD" at the console:

"GOD" - makes the player immortal: player will still take damage,

but will not die when they reach zero health.

"GIVEALLWEAPONS" - self-explanatory.

"SHOWFPS" - displays the current frame-rate per second on-screen.

"SHOWPOLYCOUNT" - displays the number of rendered polygons per

frame on-screen.

"LIGHT" - creates a light source near the player. Repeated use

makes a brighter and brighter light.

Bot console commands:


"ALIENBOT" - creates an Alien in front of the player.

"MARINEBOT #" - creates a Marine (or civilian) of type #.

"PREDOBOT #" - creates a Predator of type #.

"PREDALIENBOT" - creates a Predator-Alien.

"PRAETORIANBOT" - creates a Praetorian Alien.

"XENOBORG" - creates a Xenoborg.

Note: creating bots may cause crashes and unexpected game behavior.

For a bot to be created its model must exist in the current level;

however, the models may be forced to be loaded through a command

line option. Add "-l" followed by a list of letters corresponding

to the characters you want to load:

The following CONSOLE VARIABLES are made available (replace

the # sign with a number), in-game help is available by typing

the "LISTVAR" command at the console:

"MOTIONTRACKERSPEED" - allows the player to speed up/slow down the

pulse rate of the Marine's motion tracker

(range from 0-16, default is 1).

"TIMESCALE #" - change the rate at which time flows in the game,

e.g. "TIMESCALE 0.5" will make time pass at half

the normal speed. For those interested, the

"JohnWooMode" cheat uses this effect dynamically,

so that time passes slower the more action is

happening on screen.

"WIREFRAMEMODE #" - display the environment and/or characters using

wireframe graphics.

"DOPPLERSHIFT #" - enable/disable the Doppler shifting on the Alien

player's sounds.

"SKY_RED #" - change the red component in a sky.

"SKY_GREEN #" - change the green component in a sky.

"SKY_BLUE #" - change the blue component in a sky.

"LEANSCALE #" - change the amount the camera tilts when side-stepping.

Older Cheat Codes:


While playing, bring down the console by holding

down [~] + [F12] at the same time.Then, enter:

MARINE Cheats:


alienbot - Creates AI controlled alien

freakoftheuniverse - God mode

giveallweapons - All weapons/ammo

god - God mode

light - Creates light around player

marinebot - Creates AI controlled marine

observer - Observer mode on/off

predobot - Creates AI controlled Predator

showcoords - Shows level coordinates

showfps - Show Framerate



gimme_charge - Replenishes Predator energy

skullcollector - God mode

giveallweapons - All weapons/ammo

god - God mode

light - Creates light around player

marinebot - Creates AI controlled marine

observer - Observer mode on/off

predobot - Creates AI controlled Predator

showcoords - Shows level coordinates

showfps - Show Framerate

ALIEN Cheats:


theonedeadlycreautureevercreated - God mode

giveallweapons - All weapons/ammo

god - God mode

light - Creates light around player

marinebot - Creates AI controlled marine

observer - Observer mode on/off

predobot - Creates AI controlled Predator

showcoords - Shows level coordinates

showfps - Show Framerate

winneroftheonegreatbattleoftheuniverse - Become the final Xenomorph



At the console, type RIPLEY_WAS_HERE.

Submitted by: Tadas Giniotis

Load species:


Start the game with the avp.exe -debug -l command line parameter,

where a is the alien, m is the marine, p is the predator, c is the civilian,

x is the xenoborg, t is the praetorian alien, and r is the predator-alien.

Note: All letters are case-sensitive.


Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2010


Alien Shooter - Vengeance

Cheat Codes:


Submitted by: Haspa

Enter one of the following codes during game play.

Result Code


Level skip - cheate

50,000 additional money - cheatm

Faster firing - cheatw

+ 10,000 money - stm

+ 50 speed skill - cheats

Gain experience for next level - stexp or cheatexp

Level skip - stwnn

Download shop on the level - stshop

1,000 HP - cheath

15,000 HP - st1

Spawn ammunition - stammo

Invincibility - st2

All skills except perk 100 - stgod

Remove gamma - remgamma

Stop current track - stmusstop

Kill all monsters on the map - stk9

Toggle current statistics display - stat

Turn the indicated number tracks - stmus

Christmas Easter Egg:


If your System Date is set to Dec 25 then you'll see a

different Main Menu Screen(Background).

Max money, max atrtributes, max perk, etc:



I have the U.S version and it is not upgraded.

(0) you must have made it to at least 1 save point in the game.

(1) Go to your install folder ( where you installed the game) look

in the "RUN" folder, then look in the "SAVES" folder. You will see

"PROFILE0" and maybe more. Go into the relevant folder. Depending

on where you are at in the game you will see lots of ".cfg" files,

the only ones you care about are the files that are 2 digit numbers

like "01.cfg" - "15.cfg" the rest you can ignore.

(2) Right click on the highest number .cfg file as that is your

current save point in the game. copy and paste a copy of the .cfg

file to your desk top, but do not change this one as it is a backup,

just in case.

(3) Go back to the game folder , right click again on the .cfg file.

Open the 2 digit . cfg file in the game folder with the "notepad"

program on your pc .If you are further on in the game then you will

have to go to the highest number to have it change your current save

point. It should look like this sample below without my lists on the

right of the sample.

------BEGIN SAMPLE-------------------------------------BRC.



Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2010


Alien Shooter 2 - Reloaded

Cheat Codes:


Submitted by: RM

Enter the following cheats for the desired effect:

Code Effect


remgamma - Remove gamma on the level.

stwnn - Complete level successfully.

cheath - Gives 1000 hp.

st1 - Gives 15000 hp.

st2 - Invincibility.

stammo - Gives some ammo.

cheatexp - Adds enough ex for getting new level.

stexp - Adds enough ex for getting new level.

cheats - + 50 to the speed skill.

cheatw - + 100 skills of weapons reloading.

stkk - To kill all monsters withing radius of 1000 pixels

from the character.

stk9 - To kill all monsters on the map.

stgod - Makes all skills (except perk) 100 or 200 sequential,

adds 50000 money.

stm - + 10 000 money.

cheatm - + 10 000 money.

stshop - Download shop on the level.

stmus[x] - Turn the x number of tracks.

stmusstop - Stop current track.

stat - Turn on\off current statistics.


Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2010


Alien Shooter 2



Submitted by: RM

Type any of the following codes while playing.

Code Result


cheate - Complete Level

cheath - Give 1000 HP

cheatw - All Weapons

cheata - Give 1000 Ammo

cheatm - Give 50,000 Money (At the Shop)

cheats - Run faster


Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2010


Alien Shooter

Cheat Codes:


Submitted by: e.r. van berkum

in game:


cheate - complete level

cheath - give 1000hp

cheatw - give all weapons

cheata - + 1000 ammo

cheatf - Night vision and flashlight mode

in shop:


cheatm - + 50000 money



During the first few levels, anytime you see a crack in the wall,

shoot it. The wall will break open and you will find money, extra

lives, etc. hidden inside.

Hex Cheat:


Submitted by: y k bappy

open the "table" file in game directory (find it yourself).

edit money, gun prices etc.. the game is yours. It is funny!


Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2010


Alawar Snowy Puzzle Islands

Submitted by: conner54

Cheats v1.0:


Start game as usual. During gameplay enter the following cheats:

IAMGIVEUP - Player can always get a hint/solution even

when there are none left.


Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2010


Alarm For Cobra 11 - Highway Nights

Cheat Codes:


Submitted by: RM

Enter one of the following codes during game play.

Effect Code


adac - Auto Repair.

eatlead - Unlimited ammunition.

fullgarage - All cars.

goaway - Normal cars explode when near.

johnwayne - Enable shooting in all game modes.

needspeed - Unlimited nitrous.

useshel - Vehicle cannot be damaged.

luna - Can leave the default route.


Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2010


Aladdin - Nasira's Revenge



Submitted by: S.ORANGZEB

At the genie bonus stage press and hold down the space bar from star till end.

You will got a bonus life every time 100%!

Get unlimited lives:


Submitted by: S.ORANGZEB


yes you're right, edit the file slot.crd by a hex editor then in first line

address 00000018 type 99 for first slot.

Electronic Puzzle solution:


Submitted by: S.ORANGZEB


At the pyramid stage, on level 3 Push the button which will bring the cat statue

up then go on the paddle to the cat statue. And push the cat statue towards the

left and place it on the other pillar which has a cat picture, Then go forward

you'll see two pillars come out from the floor and you can make your way out of

here. At the pyramid stage, on level 2 drag the box by pushing it on the hole in

the floor it will fit on it. Now climb the ladder and head toward the box which

has a picture of foots and jump on it. The box will move and set up on the pillar

and now you are free to get out of here. There is one more damn puzzle which i

tried to reveal here but i think that can't be write in text. Yes you're right

that puzzle is the box puzzle but if you need help on that puzzle mail me to get

the pictures of that puzzle.

Access all levels:


Submitted by: S.ORANGZEB


Edit the file slots.crd by your favorite hex editor and then go to address 00000019

and type (28 01 01) for first slot.

or 00000919 for second slot.


00001219 for last slot. As you wish .......

This is the best cheat than ever cu'z you don't need any continue, Coins, Genie token

or any diamond. Because the game saves automatically on every level.




Submitted by: Ruchit Surati

At the Pyramids stage, you can go directly to level 4 by completing level 2 twice,

since level 2 is much easier than level 3 especially when you have to surf the water.

After completing level 2 a second time, just quit and go to the load game area and

you will see that the level 4 square is activated and u can play it.



Submitted by: Zeneil Ambekar


Cheat Code


infinite lives - f1

infinite energy - f2

infinite continues - f3

add 1 life - f4

add 10 coins - f5

add 1 gem - f6

add 1 genie token - f7



Submitted by: Vegito

In the Palace there is a floor in which the brooms are walking.

On that floor it is difficult to walk

If you want to cross the floor easily. Run Aladdin on it and press

the 1st person view button.Aladdin will slip on that floor and cross it easily.



Submitted by: damodar shenoy

Alternate ending sequence:


Collect all twenty blue gems to view a congratulations screen after the ending FMV


Hint: Defeating spiders and snakes:


To kill spiders and snakes quicker, use the downward jab.

Hint: Defeating mummies:


To kill the mummies in the pyramids, throw four flaming swords at them.

Hint: Defeating minatour guards:


To kill the minatour guards found in the pyramids, throw four flaming swords at them,

then hit them with your sword.

Hint: Defeatin minatour warriors:


To kill the minatour warriors found in the pyramids, attack them when they start walking

around you.

Hint: Defeating Bow Warriors:


To kill the Bow Warriors found in Agrabah, hit them when they start spinning their bow.

Hint: Defeating Spinners:


To kill the Spinners found in Oasis, hit them when they put their swords by their sides.

Hint: Blue gems:


To get blue gems, Find the three red gems in any level. Then, win the bonus game at the

end of the level and the Genie will reward you with a blue gem.



Until it is safe to attack, block the enemies attacks.

Always keep some apples/rocks/flaming swords/etc. on you. You never know when you might

need them. Try to get all the Genie Tokens in order to get lives/continues/full health,

etc. at the end of the level

Getting past the lasers:


When you reach the part in pyramid level 3 where you have to move the blocks to deflect

the lasers, don't bother. The door in the corner doesn't work too well. perform a ground

slam attack against the door and you will have glitched your way through to the third



Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2010



Cheat Codes:


Submitted by: RM

Press ~ after starting the game, at the screen where the items are

described. Proceed for two more screens and press [Backspace] at

the screen with the magic lamp to enable cheat mode.

Then, press one of the following keys during game play.

Result Key


Level select - 1A through 1M

Level skip - [Keypad plus]

Five apples - A

Five gems - G

Toggle invincibility - H

Toggle free movement - M

Toggle objects - U



Submitted by: izza

Nearing the end of the desert level, when you collect the gems and apples

from jumping onto the bricks, retreat a couple steps back to the pillar,

which will take you up to the merchant, if you have the gems, you will

earn extra lives.


Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2010



Cheat Codes:


Submitted by: Praveer dhaliwal

During the game on any stage click on the backspace button

to restart the stage with the same points. have fun.


Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2010


AirStrike II - Gulf Thunder

Cheat Codes v2.54:


Submitted by: Haspa

HINT from TNT:

If the game immediately drops back to your desktop when launched

through your Desktop/StartMenu shortcuts, then the installer made

you a bad link. Try changing the "Start in:" location of the

shortcut from NOTHING to your installed game path.

NOTE: ALL the Cheat Codes can be entered multiple times.

Cheat Codes (case insensitive):


diediediemydarling - Lose the Current Mission

deadlineisnear W - in the Current Mission

glitteringprizes - All Power-Ups: Enabled

Grants 7 different Power-Ups with 99 ammo for each type

(Can be used again to resupply you with 99 ammo)

(Only Enabled for the Current Mission)

moremoreweapons - All Missiles: Enabled

Grants 5 different Missiles with 99 ammo for each type

(Can be used again to resupply you with 99 ammo)

(Only Enabled for the Current Mission)

showmetheweapons - All Weapons: Enabled

Grants all 9 Main Weapons

(Only Enabled for the Current Mission)

igonnaliveforever - All Lives: Enabled

Should give you 10 Lives (the Maximum Number of Lives)

(Can be used multiple times)

invulnerability - God Mode Toggle (on/off)

First time enables, Second time disables



1. Start the game.

2. Get to the action! Cheat codes will not work within the Menu System.

3. Enter your codes. Just type the word(s) of the Code you want to use and realize

that there is no need to hit the ENTER key at the end either.

The game will make a Sound and Display a Screen Message upon successfulentry of

a Code. The game will know that you are cheating and Rank you as a Cheater after

each mission.


Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2010


AirStrike II

Cheatmode: v2.01:


Submitted by: conner54

Enter these cheats during gameplay followed by ENTER

Code Result


deadlineisnear - Finish level

diediediemydarling - Game Over

glitteringprizes - All PowerUps

moremoreweapons - All Missiles

showmetheweapons - All Weapons

igonnaliveforever - Infinite Lives

invulnerability - God Mode


Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2010


Airstrike 3D - Operation W.A.T.

Cheat Codes:


Update by: Evan

Update by: Jerin Var

Submitted by: e|XPL|orer

This cheats have to type while ur playing or when u pause the

game by pressing "ESC".

Code Result


iwannabe - God Mode

endisnear - 9 Lives

armorychamer - All Weapons

launchmenow - All Missiles

iamstronger - All Power-Ups

steelbirds - Enable All Helicopters (not currently available)

blindwarrior - Enable All Levels (not available)

messwiththebest - Mission Complete!

dieliketherest - Game Over

givemecredit - Show Credits

Note: After using cheat-codes your rank will be "cheater" and you will

not be able to post your scores online.

Note: If any of these cheats does not work email me.

Fix a cheat!:


Submitted by: DJ Sonec (( The Hacker ))

All weapons :

F : armorychamer

T : armorychamber


Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2010


Airport Tycoon 3

Cheat Codes:


Submitted by: Wrishi

In a passenger terminal, place a lot of toilet stalls . now save the game.

Demolish all the toilets , your cash goes up .Now save the game And then reload.

Your money will remain, and whoa la ; the toilets reappear. you can repeat any

no of times , an build fascinating airports.

You can send me any queries at this id:

All airlines:


Have the game patched to the latest version. Use a text editor to edit the "airlines"

file in the "\program files\global star software\airport tycoon 3\data\db" directory.

Set the value for the "QUALITY" line to "1". All airlines will now be unlocked.

All planes:


Have the game patched to the latest version. Use a text editor to edit the "planes"

file in the "\program files\global star software\airport tycoon 3\data\db" directory.

Change the date value of each airplane to "1/1970".

All buildings:


Have the game patched to the latest version. Use a text editor to edit the "buildings"

file in the "\program files\global star software\airport tycoon 3\data\db" directory.

Change the date value after the "destroy" line of each building to "1/1970".

Free items:


Have the game patched to the latest version. Use a text editor to edit the "buildings"

file in the "\program files\global star software\airport tycoon 3\data\db" directory.

Change the value before the word "BUILD" in each line to "0".

Also, change the value after the word "MONTHLYCOST" to "0".

Easy money:


Place a lot of bathroom stalls in a passenger terminal, then save the game. Demolish

all the toilets . Your money will increase. Save the game again. Load the saved game.

The toilet stalls will re-appear, and you will still have your previous amount of

money. Repeat this as many times as desired.


Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2010


Airport Tycoon 2

Submitted by: conner54



Start game as usual. During gameplay press tilde to go to console,

then enter the following cheats followed by ENTER:

Code Result


INeedCash - Get 100.000.000 extra money

MassDrop - Get Huge Airport

DoEarthquake - Invoke Eartquake

DoTornado - Invoke Tornado

SetBudget xxx - Get xxx extra money

SetCash xxx - get xxx extra money

HideGame - Hide Game

ShowGame - Unhide Game


Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2010


Airport Tycoon

Get Money Fast


When you go to the main menu u press "Show me the money"

and then you will have money.

Submitted by: nightraider



Here are the buildings you need in order to get contracts

rolling in: a passenger terminal connected to the main

road, a plane stand near the terminal's gate area, a

control tower, and a runway. You'll want to add maintenance

buildings, parking lots, airport administration, and a fire

station as soon as you can afford to do so.

If you can't find the control tower on the Build menu, don't

panic. Some buildings aren't available until later in the game.

Most contract offers are intentionally low, so you can

usually get away with sending most of them back at least

once and negotiating for a better offer.


Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2010


Airport Mania - First Flight

Hints, Tips and Tricks:


Submitted by: RM



Give planes with emergency, such as "organs transplant" or "baby

delivering immediately", as they get really impatient and u will

be awarded medal!



* Try to serve the bigger plane after the small plane if possible, as

u will get a larger combo bonus, but bigger planes are more impatient


* Try to purchase a repainting plot, so u can make ur all ur gateways

to reach 4x combo of each colour, its the maximum and u get the most

combo points and a medal at the end!

Hidden cinematics:


Each airport location in this captivating game has a "hot spot" that

you can click on for cool animations, dialog and more! I'll give you

a hint for Happy Valley's the church!! Just watch for

your cursor outline to change color and click away!

Money Hack:


Submitted by: Isadora

First you have to download Cheat O'Matic or any other memory scanner.

Download link:

Then open Airport Mania and the O'Matic. On o'matic, select "airport mania"

and then put your actual cash's amount, hit search. Buy or Sell something

ingame, put the new value on o'matic and hit search again.

Do the last step again to change the value. If everything went alright you

should get a succesful message. Put the value you want to have in the box

and hit SET. Done!


Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2010


Airport Inc

Submitted by: Mal



are you bored of delays and traffic

jams well this might help save your game then

load it again and you should have no planes

in the planes stand and no cars.


Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2010


Airline Tycoon - First Class

Cheat Codes:


Submitted by: Epson_E

During the game, type these codes to activate the cheat.

If you're successful, you should here a sound.

Code Result


atmissall - Level select

crowd - More people

donaldtrump - More Money

expander - Expand airport

famous - Better reputation

mentat - All helpers active

nodebts - Eliminate debts

showall - See all flights

thinkpad - Notebook

winning - Level skip

bubblegum - See people think

runningman - Faster player

thinkpad - Get a notebook

more stench - stinkbombs only use down stairs

more glue - super glue only use up stairs



Submitted by:JOHN BROOKS

At about 1745 gametime go to the Airport Manager\'s Office and

bid for the Branch Offices available, Stay in the office until

the end of the day. When you return to your office the next day

you will find that your bid/s for the Branch Offices were


Continue doing this and eventually you will have all the Branch

Offices available to you.

This prevents your competitors from buying the rights and when

you have all of the offices in your file you will never have to

fly empty from an airport in order to collect passengers from


Easy money:


Go to the bank and click on the bin. Sometimes you can find money.

Get drunk:


Go to the Duty Free Store and buy a box of candy with alcohol. Exit

the shop and use the candy by clicking on it. Your character will

eat it, and the cursor will wave all over the place, making it

slightly harder to click on things. This usually lasts one or two

minutes in real time.


Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2010


Airline Tycoon - Evolution

Cheat Codes:


Update by: Draconis

Submitted by: conner54

Type these codes directly during gameplay.Enjoy!

Effect Code


Level select - atmissall

More people at airport - crowd

$10,000,000 - donaldtrump

$1,000,000,000 - megarichman

Airport expands - expander

Eliminate debts - nodebts

All flights visible - showall

Notebook - thinkpad

Glue - moreglue

Stink bombs - morestench

Increased reputation - famous

See passenger thoughts - bubblegum

Level skip - winning

Enemy has $1,000,000,000 - richenemy

All missions in Evolution - evolutioncomplete

Days pass very fast - attestxx

Character can move anywhere - attestit

Walk very fast:


Go to the end of the airport near the museum. There is a vending

machine located here. Click on it. You will get electrocuted, but

afterwards you will have a pop in your item bar. Click on it. You

will be able to temporarily walk extremely fast. Anytime you need

another pop, just click on the vending machine.

Note: If you first get the gloves off the counter at PetrolAir you

will not be zapped when you get the can from the vending machine.

Airpetrol backroom:


Enable the "All secret items and novelties" code. You will see a

violin case. Go to Airpetrol and give that item to the Airpetrol

man. Exit Airpetrol and click on the fire extinguisher. You will

go through a revolving door. Click on the man inside and he will

sabotage your competitor's airline for you.

Customize airplanes:


Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup

copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the

"builds.csv" file in the "game\data" folder.

The format for the parts is ID TAG, NICK, COST, WEIGHT, POWER FACTOR,


You can edit the settings to your satisfaction.

All secret items and novelties:


Type donaldtrump for $10 million. Then, press [F6] to get all secret

items and novelties.

Quick money:


To get lots of money in a very short period of time, type megarichman

then hold [F6].


Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2010


Airline Tycoon

Cheat Codes:


Enter one of the following codes during game play.

Result Code


Level select - atmissall

People leave airport - panic

More people Fly Airline - crowd

Money - donaldtrump

Airport expands - expander

All helpers active - mentat

Eliminate debts - nodebts

All flights visible - showall

Notebook - thinkpad

Level skip - winning

Airfield Crowded - missioncrowd

Faster walking People - runningman

Better Reputation - famous

$1 billion - megarichman

Airport expands - expander

See passenger thoughts - bubblegum

Unlimited Money:


Submitted by: Jamie

Type richman all one word and you will have Unlimited Money.



Visit Rick's Cafe on the main floor for pointers. Rick will offer

advice on where to pick up a cell phone and the best place to pick

up new orders.

The Duty-Free Shop is your best friend. There are many items for

sale that could allow you to work from anywhere in the airport,

saving you the trip back and forth to the office. Check it out.



In the second level, buy the violin case. Then go to the airibair

place and click on the violin logo at the bottom. He will thank

you and ask you to press the fire hydrent beside the building.

Inside is a secret gun shop.

Unlimited sabotage to ur competitors:


Here it come the sneaky trick to sabotage ur competitors, just

get a spider from the Travelagent(T). As long as u keep it, u can

sabotage ur competitors by going to the PetrolairBackroom. But

remember only one sabotage per day.

Too many sabotage will leads u to pay a fine.

Have a ANTIVIRUS disk:


First you go to the "Airtravel". pick the walking spider before the

snake eat it. And then, go to Back of the petrolair. give him the

spider. after you give it, you pick a dart from the deer's head. Go

to the "advertising Agency". give him the dart. and you can have his

antivirus disk (on the table next to him).

Paper clips:


Go to the Route Management notice board to the right of Mr. Uhrig

office, the Airport Director, and steal four paper clips. Then, go

to the Cargo Department, located in the left corner of the Airport.

Give the operator the paper clips. He will accept them and say that

he would rather use the paper clips than the liquid glue. Take the

liquid glue, which is located in front of a small box next to the

operator crane. Go to any part of the first floor in Airport and

drop the glue on the floor by clicking on it (at the bottom of the

screen). When any of your opponents step there, they will get stuck

temporarily. This is useful when done early in the morning immediately

after the reunion with Mr. Uhrig. It will prevent your opponents from

getting to the AirTravel agency before you.

More sabotages:


In a network game, there are possibilities for sabotages that are not

available in a single game. To activate these, you should find and

collect as many items as possible.

Finding the sabotage shop:


Buy a violin case from the Duty Free Shop and give it to the Arab at

PetrolAir. He will tell you about the entrance to the secret room

beside his shop.

Easy way to get CPU stocks and buy them out:


Go to the bank, sell all your stock from your airline, leave, re-enter

the bank, and buy all your stock back. Leave again and wait a short while.

Other competitors will come to the bank and some will sell some of their

stocks. Buy their stock, which will help you buy them out.

Note: If no one sells any stocks, just repeat.

Energy drink:


After getting the gloves, use them late in the day to buy the energy drink.

The next day after the meeting, drink it yourself. You will run twice as

fast. This will help you get to the order desks faster.

Go to the kerosene counter next to the free duty shop. Then, take a glove

at the counter. Now go to the drink machine next to the cargo or in front

of the museum. Use the glove with a drink machine to get a can of energy

drink. Drink it and you can go to the entire airport with superb stamina

and high speed walking. Just drink it and you will find it later.

Stink bombs:


After trading the gloves for the stink bombs at the Newsstand, check out the

boards from time to time to see what flights are arriving or departing. If you

see a competitor that you really hate has a flight today, make a note of the

time. Go to the gate at least 30 minutes before the arrival/departure. When

you arrive, enter the boarding area and go to the door as if you were getting

on the airplane. Immediately as passengers are going through the door, drop

your stink bombs. It will make the whole flight sick to their stomachs and

decrease the competitor's reputation. You can repeat this as many times as




Talk to the Plane Broker. Sometimes if you wait long enough, the storage area

at the top left will open. Take the bra. Go to the Duty Free Shop and give the

bra to the girl behind the counter. She will thank you, and now you can take

the horseshoe located at the top left corner of the screen. Go to Rick's Café

and give the horseshoe to him. It will prevent your employees from striking.

Easy money:


Go to the bank every so often. When you do, take note of the trash can in the

middle of the desk. From time to time there will be various sums of money there.

You can receive between $50,000 and $60,000,000. If it is out already, buy the

Boeing 777-300 for $30,000,000. After you buy these planes, do nothing to them.

Go to the Museum and offer to sell the 777's on the same day. The curator will

buy the planes for $41,000,000, which results in a profit of $11,000,000. He

will always offer this price for a new Boeing 777. Note: You cannot modify the

777 that you are planning on selling.

Go to the bank at any time of the day. Go to the loan lady. Enable the nodebts

code if you have any, then ask her for a loan . For example, if you already

have $900 million, then the loan will be probably between $300 to $425 million

dollars at one time after the loan is complete. Enable the nodebts code, then

take out another loan. After awhile the loan lady will get angry. When Belinda

(your secretary) says that the bank is doing bankruptcy proceedings, enable the

nodebts code and ignore her. Then, do it again the next day.



Go to the Petrol-Air Counter after ten days and beyond. There will be a pair

of gloves on the counter by the leaflets. Take them and go to the Coke machine

between Air Freight and the Museum. Patronize the vending machine. The gloves

keep you from becoming electrocuted. Take the Coke and go to the Newsstand.

Give the newsy the Coke. Then, click on the package of stink bombs in the lower

left corner of his window. He will give them to you as a gift.



Get paper clips from the Route Administration Board and give them to the man

in the Cargo Area. Take the glue from him. You can use the glue to delay your

competitors. Click on it and you will see a puddle of glue on the ground. Once

your competitors step on it, they will be in a sticky situation.

Extra stuff:


Make an easy profit- Once the plane is for sale buy the Boing 777-300. Without

changing or placing any orders on the plane sell it at the museum. He will buy

it for $40 million when you only paid $30 million.

Computers issue stocks- Sell all of your stocks. Leave and re-enter the bank.

Buy your stocks back. The computer players should issue more shares. (If at

first you don't succeed.

Try these mini- missions:

Stinkbomb- Take the gloves from petrol air. Go to the soda machine and get a

soda. Go to the news kiosk and click on the soda. You can now get stinkbombs

from the guy. Click on Them at the bottom left.

No strikes/bombs- Go to the plane broker and get the bra out of the top compartment.

Take it to the lady in the duty free shop. Then get the hoshoe at the top left of

the shop. Now You have two choices. Keep the horshoe and you can not have your office

bombed. Or give it to the drunk guy at ricks and your employees will never go on


Glue- Get the paperclips from the route board. Take them to the man in the cargo

hold and he will let you take the glue. When you are upstairs you can use the

glue on the floor. It can stop competitors (or you if you're not careful0 from

moving for hours.

Even more money (1,000,000,000):


Submitted by: me

type in "megarichman", and you get 1,000,000,000


Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2010


Age of Wonders 2 - Shadow Magic

Cheat Codes:


Submitted by: conner54

Press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + S when you hear a sound,

enter the desired cheat:

Code Result


gold - Max gold.

mana - Max mana.

explore - Toggle Explore the whole map.

fog - Disable fog.

research - Research all spells.

win - Win scenario.

freemove - Toggle Free movement.

towns - View all towns in the current map.

lose - Lose scenario.

spells - Toggle Free spells.

instantprod - Toggle Instant Production.

instantres - Toggle Instant Research.

ai - Toggle AI on your own player.

upgradehero - Upgrade hero.

emergehero - Summon Hero Spell.

cityspy - Toggle spying of enemy cities.


Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2010


Age of Wonders 2

Cheat Codes:


Update by: Yendra

Submitted by: XtremeGamer2000


Press [CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [C], when you hear a

sound, enter the desired cheat:

Code Result


gold - Max Gold.

mana - Max Mana.

explore - Reveal Map.

fog - Disable Fog.

research - Research All Spells.

win - Win Scenario.

lose - Lose Scenario.

freemove - Free Movement.

towns - View All Towns.

spells - Free Spells.

instantprod - Instant Production.

instantres - Instant Research.

ai - Toggle AI.

upgradehero - Upgrade Hero.

cityspy - Spy on Enemy Cities.

emergehero - Summon hero spell.


The codes do not work between the Fire and Life stages.


Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2010


Age of Wonders

Cheat Codes:


Submitted by RickHH

First, start the game with the command line parameter of beatrix.

You may do this by modifying your shortcut to the game. Your game

directories may vary from our example.

(ie: "C:\Age of Wonders\aow.exe" beatrix)

Then you may press [CTRL] + [SHIFT] + C (you should hear a PING

noise) while playing to enter the following cheats:

Code Result


gold - 1000 Gold Pieces.

mana - 1000 Mana Crystals.

fog - Toggle Fog on/off.

explore - Toggle Exploration.

spells - Research All Spells.

win - Completes the Level.

lose - Lose the Level.

freemove - Free Movement.

towns - Ownership of All ndependent Towns.

research - Research ALl Spells.

ah teer - All spells and extra gold.



* The AI is attracted to your hero in tactical combat. Use your hero to

lure enemy units into a killing zone of ranged fire. For nonhero fights,

this trick works with a ranged unit out front. Retreat your siege engines

from combat as soon as the wall is breached. They are too expensive to

be destroyed by token infantry attacks.

* Migrate friendly citizens to every city you conquer unless you are in a

big hurry or need gold immediately, in which case, you should just loot.

Never raze, unless it is a victory condition.

Most powerful leader:


In scenario mode, when you use a customized leader give him Atk 7, Def 7,

Dmge 6, and Life Stealing. He does not need anything else. Note: This is

for a dwarf; other leaders might have 1 or 2 points difference on Atk or

Dmge; do not get rid of Life Stealing or Def. You should also give him

the following spheres: 4 Air, 3 Fire. Air has Chain Lightning, Haste, and

Windwalking. Fire has Fire Halo and some good offensive spells. Attack

enemies with your hero, He will be able to destroy almost anything. When

he levels up, give him full Def then Wall Climbing and Round Attack. Do

not give him Archery or some form of a ranged attack, because in automatic

battles he will use those and Life Stealing will not do anything. It is

the most important thing about the leader. When your leader has full Def

and Wall Climbing, give him better Atk, Dmge, and Resistance. At about

level 11, your leader will be strong enough to take on groups larger than

15 and leader's bases. You should also give him abilities like Extra Strike

and Parry later. Remember, spellcasting is not a large part of this leader.

The best place to use this leader would be Oracles Eye, because there are

plenty of opponents. At the end of the scenario your leader will be

slightly higher than level 20. Remember to attack almost only with your


Looking inside a monster lair:


If you want to know what kind of enemies there are in a monster

lair/crypt/similar, just enter it with a battering ram and choose

"Fast combat". The fast combat screen pops up with all fighting units,

including the ones defending the lair, and your battering ram flees

from the battle.


Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2010


Age Of Warriors

Easy money:


Submitted by: RM

Once you can one round (or two round) Elfs, collect the Green

Emeralds that they drop. Pick up and sell them for plenty of

money. At high Mana, you can get up to 1,000,000 from it.


Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2010


Age Of Sail 2 - Privateer's Bounty

Cheat Codes:


Submitted by: RM

Type these cheats at the Main Menu:

Code Result


aaa - Air to Air Turrets

sea hawk - Bonus Life

byby - Homing Missiles

fastfire - Quick Fire

firefest - Super Flame Thrower

qsww - Win Any Mission


Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2010


Age of Rifles

Cheat Codes:


Enter one of the following command line parameters

to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Result Parameter


Disable - sound quiet

Disable - time delays quick

Exit game directly from menu - fastexit

Enable debug mode - debug

Mono sound - mono

Allow longer ranges for automaticreaction orders - reactions+

Allow shorter ranges for automatic reaction orders - reactions-

Additional numerical information - reports+

Replaces numerical with verbal information - reports-

View cost to enter hexes along movement paths - showmovecost+

Hide cost to enter hexes along movement paths - showmovecost-


Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2010


Age Of Pirates - Caribbean Tales

Cheat Codes:


Submitted by: Haspa

Enter one of the following ship names.

Result Name


God mode - GodMode

10,000 experience points - ExpBooster

10,000 gold - MoneyBooster

Best saber unlocked - BestSaber

Best gun unlocked - BestGun

Get any ship:


Use a text editor to edit the "characters_init.c" file in the directory:

"\playlogic\age of pirates - caribbean tales\program\characters".

Change the line:

ch.Ship.Type = GenerateShip(Ship_name)

Note: You must be careful because the game has the same line for the female player.

Scroll to find it. Also, to find ship names open the "ships_init.c" file with a text

editor. Scroll down and you will find a complete list with everything about the ships.

Hero reputation:


Use a text editor to edit the "characters.c" file in the directory:

"\playlogic\age of pirates - caribbean tales\program\characters".

Change the value of "#define REPUTATION_MIN" line to "89".

After doing so, do any job (bad or good). Your reputation will be as a hero.

Another way of doing this is to edit the "character_init.c" file in the same directory.

You will find lines such as "ch.reputation.france = REPUTATION_NEUTRAL;".


After any task (good or bad ) you will be a hero for any nation. In the same file you

can find all lines of money and experience, for example, "ch.experience = 1000;"

and skills such as "ch.skill.Leadership = "1";".

Change all skills to "10", and experience and money as desired.

Note: You must change every line of money and experience in that file.

Hack - Character File:


This hack edits a critical game file. Back up your original or you get screwed. You

will also need to have the folder options on Windows XP and Vista changed to allow

you to edit the file extension.

Locate the file Characters_init.* in the directory \...\\Program Files\Playlogic

\Age of Pirates - Caribbean Tales\PROGRAM\Characters\ and open it using the text

editor Notepad.exe or similar program. Note that if you do not allow your Windows

O/S to change the extension, you may not be able to hack this file appropriately.

In the characters_init.* file, locate the string = "268438777" along with

some more values such as:

ch.skill.Leadership = "1";

ch.skill.Fencing = "1";

ch.skill.Gun = "1";

ch.skill.Sailing = "1";

ch.skill.Tactic = "2";

ch.skill.Accuracy = "1";

ch.skill.Cannons = "1";

ch.skill.Grappling = "1";

ch.skill.Repair = "1";

ch.skill.Defence = "1";

ch.skill.Commerce = "1";

ch.skill.Sneak = "1";

ch.skill.freeskill = 2;

ch.perks.freepoints = 1;

You can change those skill values to whatever you want and play with the file from there.

When saving the file with Notepad, use the "save" not "save as" command and the file will

be edited. Boot the game and have fun.


Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2010


Age of Pirates - Captain Blood

Cheat Codes:


When asking friendly Aliens questions, ask, using Alien icons

"CODE GG 1". You should now be given the location of another

Alien named "GG". Go to him and get the locations of other Aliens


If "GG" ignores you then try tagging on the name of the alien to

the end of the code.


Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2010


Age of Pirates 2 - City of Abandoned Ships

Cheat Codes:


Submitted by: RM

Go to "..\Program Files\Playlogic\Age of Pirates 2\Program\characters"

folder and find the "RPGUtilite.c" file.

Open it in notepad with administrator rights (for those running vista).

Search for the extension called "void initMainCharacterItem()" (with the " ")

Just below those lines you can edit the starting money by changing = 500 (for an adventurer) to = 99999999

and then the adventurer class will start with this amount of money.

If you scroll up a bit instead you can edit the starting stats of the

characters. It could read something like:

case "Merchant":

SetSPECIAL(ch, 4,9,5,8,9,3,4);


just change all those numbers to 10, so it reads:

case "Merchant":

SetSPECIAL(ch, 10,10,10,10,10,10,10);


Now the merchant class will start with 10 (max) in all stats.

About 30 CHEATS:


Submitted by: Sayem

Changing the _mod_on_off file in ...\Age of Pirates 2\program\ you can turn on

the developer mode (read that file, you change a setting from "Off" to "On")

allows you to press [F11] in the game, where you can add skills, $, etc.

=>But you MUST exit the menu by pressing the X in the corner, NOT the [ok]

button -- or else you get teleported off to la la land. [also, after using [F11],

go to the main menu, Options, and click the setting to restore the keyboard



Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2010


Age of Mythology - The Titans

Cheat Codes:


Update by: Rabi Shekhar Dash

Update by: dan

Update by: Ruppi Anmol

Update by: Gaurav Kumar Meena

Update by: Gaurav Dahale

Update by: mikey

During gameplay press ENTER then enter a cheat below. Press ENTER again to activate:

Note: Codes are case sensitive

Code Result


ATLANTIS REBORN - You will get army of 4 heroes.


IN DARKEST NIGHT - Nighttime Mode


SET ASCENDANT - Show All Animals


WRATH OF THE GODS - New God Powers

PANDORAS BOX - New God Power


JUNK FOOD NIGHT - Get 1000 Food


ATM OF EREBUS - Get 1000 Gold



L33T SUPA H4X0R - Fast Build

O CANADA - Laser bear

WUV WOO - Gives a Flying purple hippo







MR. MONDAY - AI Handicap

LETS GO! NOW! - Faster Gameplay


JUNK FOOD NIGHT - Get 100 Food


ATM OF EREBUS - Get 1000 Gold

ZENOS PARADOX - New random God and Titan powers

TITANOMACHY - Instant Titan


RESET BUTTON - Use the deconstruction in all buildings and

units except settlement for all players

TINFOIL HAT - Random unit ownership

Change direction of buildings:


While placing a building if you want to change the direction that it is facing

(like in the campaign), use the following trick. First, bring up the building

place thing that shows where you can place a building, etc. When you have found

where you want to place it, hold [Shift] and rotate the mouse wheel up or down

to rotate the building.

Many Titans:


To get two Titans, build a Titan Gate. Before you complete it, enable the

TITANOMACHY code. Then, complete the Titan Gate. Repeat this as much as

desired to get any number of Titans.

Easy win:


Use the following trick for an easy victory on any random map and some campaign maps.

Enable the PANDORAS BOX code random god power until you get a Plenty Vault.Then

enable the DIVINE INTERVENTION code until you have four or five. If you have not

already done so, enable the L33T SUPA H4X0R code to accelerate building construction

and unit production. Use some villagers or Ulfarsks to build a military production

building (i.e. barracks); then select a desired unit for production and choose the

"Repeat" button. This will pump your enemy's base full of your units continuously

and ensure a complete victory.

Killing Cerebus:


On the level where you have to kill Cerebus, in order to protect the Son Of Osiris

train at least 30 Priests to defend him.

Avoiding Kronis:


On the last level when you have all of the four summoning trees, do not attack the

enemies base or Kronos will come from the Tartauras gate and destroy your empire.

Kronos cannot be defeated by anyone except Gia.

Training Rocs:


On the level where the Promeatheus Titan comes, after you have defended your base

for the time limit, the Titan will attack you. You must train 3 Rocs and send them

to Kastor's base. It is better to train them at the start of the level.

Boats on land:


Get the Implode God power. You can get this by being Atlantean and worshipping Atlas;

or by using the "ZENOS PARADOX" code. Next, get some boats and bring them as close to

the shore as possible. Then, cast Implode just barely in range of the boats. This may

Easier tipe in

instead of tiping the cheat over and over again, you can highlight the cheat the press

CTRL-C then enter. press enter again then press CTRL-V and the cheat comes up that you

highlighted require a few attempts; enable the "DIVINE INTERVENTION" code until done

correctly. The orb will suck them in. When the orb explodes, they will fly through the

air and land on the ground. Note: You cannot move them at all.

Save space with more resources:


Once the "DIVINE INTERVENTION" code is enabled to get multiple Plenty Vaults or Dwarven

Gold Mines, you can use [Pause Break] to pause game play. Then, all the Plenty Vaults

or Gold Mines can be put one over the other. Many Plenty Vaults at the same location

will give an enormous gain of space, and give the same amount of resources. Many Gold

Mines can be placed like a linked barrier to stop enemies. Many Gaia Forests can be

put around a Titan once the game is paused to stop him from moving for the entire

scenario, which gives you the freedom to attack whenever one is completely ready.

Note: Once the game is resumed, more Plenty Vaults cannot be put at the same location

again. Also, the Invoked god power is not visible until the game is resumed.

Powerful human soldiers:


Use the following trick on any random map and some campaign maps to increase the attack

power of your hero's and human soldiers. Enable the PANDORAS BOX until you get Flaming

Weapons. Then, enable the DIVINE INTERVENTION code about fifty times. If you have not

already done so, use the Flaming Weapons power on your human soldiers for fifty times

continuously .This will increase the attack power of any human or hero. For example if

your hero's attack power is 15 when you enable Flaming Arrow once his attack power will

be 22, which is 15 + 7. When you do this fifty times his attack strength will be 15 +

(50 * 7) - 7. The -7 is due to the fact that when the timer of Flaming Weapons expires

it reduces it by 7. By using the Flaming Weapons more than 100 times, it is easy to

defeat any Titan in the game. Note: Make sure that you use all the fifty Flaming Weapons

power before the first Flaming Weapons power timer expires. If you want to use it further,

wait until all timers expire and repeat the trick. Myth units are not affected by this


How to Beat Odins Tower:


Well to kill odins tower in age of mythology the titans first you but a military! do

not build cits just make your villagers grater food and gold and make a military as

fast as possible because in like 2mins the norce will cast a forest fire power and

then they attack you. So after you kill the attack build a place ( were you train

destroyers) build at least 7 destroyers and make them heroes. then build some Calvary

(like 10 or 12) FROM THE BARRACKS ONLY and also train some infantry (like 10 or 12).

then kill the hill forts deconstruct the hill fort closest to you then kill the other

hill fort with your hero destroyers but prepare for the norce to attack your destroyers

so surround them with your other units. next attack there base instantly do not hesitate.

use your destroyers to kill the towers and the town center and your other units to kill

the enemy units. after the bace is killed then you need to replace the 3 temples with

your temples. first you deconstruct the 1st temple ( the one closet to you) and build

4 temples at your main base and send one temple were you deconstructed the other one.

now you need to kill the other 2 temples well wait for the deconstruct to cool down

and wile you wait get the relic that lets you build a Pegasus at your temple then

expand thro the old dead norce base and near the dead hill forts.\( don't worry you

cant get attacked your surrounded by mountains) then do the same that you did to the

1st temple. now you need that Pegasus to go near the wonder *try to sneak it from

behind there base* then use vortex to transport your army and now you got that

deconstruct wonder power so use that and you won!

Strategy Of Buildings:


Now, to use the ultimate strategy, you should put walls around your settlement right

after you are done advancing in the ages (use the cheat for building fast) and make

it big enough that you will be able to build multiples of the buildings you already

made in the beginning. That way, you will be able to outlast a siege for a little

time while you build your army. Put your army off in 4 groups; one in each cardinal

direction, and then make them bigger and bigger as you get better units.

Use The Norse:


The ulfsfarks (of whatever they're called) are awesome. You can make a huge group

of them and go crusading and build all of the settlements. This way you can use

them to defend the newly-built settlements. Then build mini-villages around them

and attack the enemy! Another thing great about the norse is Hel's godpower, the

nidhogg, ofr dragon. Make sure to get Hel! Do all of this right away and you will

succeed in all of the things that you may encounter in the game.



Submitted by: cameron martinez

Almost invincible army-do the pandoras box cheat until you get the nidhog power then

pause the game and enter the devine intervention cheat about 20 times next unpause

the game and invoke the nidhog power until you cant anymore then just go and defeat

your enemys from the air.

Best way to beat moderate mode:


I think the best way to beat moderate mode is to use thor. In the archaic age use

all of your gold to make dwarves. The only militairy units you should make are ulfsarks

because they are cheap and have good attack. You should choose all the minor gods that

help upgrade you ulfsarks and infantry.

Defeating the Norse Titan:


In the level that you need to defeat the Norse Titan, enable the "DIVINE INTERVENTION"

code a few times. This will allow more usages of the God Power Healing Springs. Put

them near all of your allies bases. Then, take the King Frost Giant as well as about

ten Fire Giants and ten Giants to attack. If you have extra resources, build up an

army to take out the enemy base (in red). The King will freeze the Titan and your

Giants will do the attacking. This is a good way to defeat the Titan instead of waiting

for the Nidhog.

Lots of goats:


This trick is useful when you are low on food. Enable the I WANT TEH MONKEYS!!!1!

code. Lots of monkeys should appear at your town center. Then, enable the GOATUNHEIM

code. A god power with a goat on it should appear. Use it on your monkeys to make lots

of goats. Note. Because this turns all units into goats use this trick at the start

of the game.


Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2010


Age of Mythology - Gold Edition

Cheat Codes:


Submitted by: Mubashar Habib

During gameplay press ENTER then enter a cheat below.

Press ENTER again to activate:

Note: Codes are case sensitive

Code Result


ATLANTIS REBORN - You will get army of 4 heroes.


IN DARKEST NIGHT - Nighttime Mode


SET ASCENDANT - Show All Animals


WRATH OF THE GODS - New God Powers

PANDORAS BOX - New God Power


JUNK FOOD NIGHT - Get 1000 Food


ATM OF EREBUS - Get 1000 Gold



L33T SUPA H4X0R - Fast Build

O CANADA - Laser bear

WUV WOO - Gives a Flying purple hippo







MR. MONDAY - AI Handicap

LETS GO! NOW! - Faster Gameplay


JUNK FOOD NIGHT - Get 100 Food


ATM OF EREBUS - Get 1000 Gold


Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2010


Age of Mythology

Cheat Codes:


Update by: Gaurav Kumar Meena

Update by: Klaas Spel

Update by: ankit

Update by: Nick Ogle

Update by: sgtKill

Submitted by: conner54

Cheat mode:


During gameplay press ENTER then enter a cheat below.

Press ENTER again to activate:

NOTE:CODES ARE CAP SENSITEVE! (keep caps lock on)

Code Result



IN DARKEST NIGHT - Nighttime Mode


SET ASCENDANT - Show All Animals


PANDORAS BOX - New God Power


JUNK FOOD NIGHT - Get 100 Food


ATM OF EREBUS - Get 1000 Gold



IN DARKEST NIGHT - Nighttime Mode


SET ASCENDANT - Show All Animals


GOATUNHEIM - Turn Enemy to Goats

FEAR THE FORAGE - Chicken Metero God Power

I WANT TEH MONKEYS!!!!! - Add Monkeys

WUV WOO - Flying Purple Hippo


O CANADA - Lazer Bear

ISIS HEAR MY PLEA - Heroes from the Campaign

RED TIDE - Changes Water to Red

CHANNEL SURFING - Units can Walk on Water

L33T SUPA H4X0R - Fast Build

MR. MONDAY - Get a handicap

WRATH OF THE GODS - Get the Meteor god power,Lightning god power,

Tornado god power and Earthquake god power


Lazerbear is very fast and can not destroy building all that good but

can wipe out an army very well.



Marcanter, Submitted the following Information:


When you enter in the game you, press enter, after will show a screen:

Type this worlds: Garlic, Karnecs, Dragon and Dugerons Fight, next will

show other screen to you choose the cheat that you want.

Defeating Myth Units with Shades:


Submitted by: d.shankarnarayana

May be in the 7th or 8th campaign, the heroes Arkantos, Ajax & Chiron have to

find three relics and must safely return to the three temples on their way

they meet shades (A kind of unit which is invisible to enemy units) however,

they cannot attack buildings but they are very effective against myth units.

Just click on the shade and select any enemy myth unit e.g.:(Colossus, Hydra,

Kracken) to attack them. The shades grab the enemy myth unit souls and diminish

away. (They can be used only once against one myth unit). Dont use shades on

ineffective myth units like(Minotaur,Cyclops). Use them wisely they will

surely sustain you. If more doubts persists, Mail me.

Stop enemy reinforcements for some time to develop your base:


Submitted by: d.shankarnarayana

In Age of Mythology, there is no need to use any cheats because the game is

quite reasonable. However, the enemies in Age of Mythology is much more

stronger we have to avoid them in order to build our base. At the beginning

of the game press "Enter" and type "O CANADA" to give you a laser bear which

is very stronger. Send him to the enemy base so that the enemies will be

busier in destroying him. In the Meantime, we can build up our base and easily

manage the enemies. If more doubts persists, Mail me.



Submitted by: Yasir Wahab

While playing scrieno, used your heros much for fighting and in easy mode

when your hero is fallen, then if you take army or your man near to him,

then he will stands up again and his life will again proceed. Try your god

powers when you are losing or power will be your last weapon because the

powers after used once will noy come back. In this game Army is much strong

and campians are hard too. So, prapare your army and try to search on

techonolygies. When you slected advance to another age, then chose your age

by the situation of stage or game. So, may be these tips can make your play

easy. Thankyou

Exciting 32nd mission:


Submitted by: shankarnarayana

This is the final and the most exciting campaign of age of mythology.If you

want to play this in titan difficulty mode then this will be real difficult

task. When you build a wonder,zeus will be pleased & gives a special power

"blessing of zeus".When you trigger this power at Arkantos he becomes so

powerful however he can't pullback in this difficulty mode.In order to finish

this mission a stylish way. Just type in DIVINE INTERVENTION" and copy it

and paste it quite a no:of times and now type in the cheat "ISIS HEAR MY PLEA"

copy this cheat and paste about 10 times.Now your crowded by many heroes.

Select all arkantos type and trigger the special godpower "blessing of zeus"

on each of them.Now attack your enemy with your new army.



Submitted by: nout

Building your base takes long, but just enter "ATLANTIS REBORN" and your whole

base is as big as Atlantis and there is a whole army is waiting to attack or

defend. If there more things to ask just mail to "



Submitted by:john

When you are in the campaign mode,type channel surfing,you will just enter

at another stage.I found the cheat myself.



Submitted by: Virus

To get unlimited sons of osiris get the 2 pharos thing, then use the son of

osiris god pwr to make both of ur pharos a hero using the divine intervention

cheat then the game will make another pharo and make him a son of osiris and so

on and the game will keep doing this and then u will have unlimited sons of





Flaming Swords:


Get the god power of the flaming swords that raises your attack and keep typing

in divine intervention to get heaps of the god power flaming swords then click

on a unit and keep using the god power on the unit. This unit and all your other

units will have a lot of strength in attack.

Two Pharaohs:


Play as Egyptians. When you get to the Mythic Age, choose Osiris as the Minor

God. When you get the improvements and god power, click on the "New Kingdom"

improvement. Wait for the second Pharaoh to be generated, then use Son of

Osiris god power on the second Pharaoh. You will get another Pharaoh in a

few moments and you will then have one Son of Osiris and two Pharaohs

Llamas / Ox:


As soon as you advance to the heroic age build a market, train the llamas/ox and

send then to your town center.... the longer the distance more gold they'll carry.

Unit Strengths:


Myth units are strong against human soldiers, human soldiers are strong against

heroes, and heroes are strong against myth units.

Building Up Your Defenses:


Make sure to build up good defenses for your settlement early in the game to

guard against any incoming invasion.

Hidden taunt:


While playing a LAN or online game press enter and type 999 which does the

theme music but with extra sounds like monkeys singing, ect. Very funny, but

only if you are the one doing it.

One way gates:


Use the following trick to build a gate that you can use, but not your allies

(to prevent them from using the resources around you). First, build a Fortress,

Migdol Stronghold, Hillfort, or any kind of Tower. Enclose your city with walls.

Have the Fortress or Tower be a part of the walls. When you want a unit to get

from one side of the wall to another, have them garrison inside the Fortress or

Tower. Then, set the gather point to the opposite side. When you eject the units,

they will be on the other side of the wall.

Note: This does not work on units that will not garrison inside buildings.

King of the Hill:


When playing the King of the Hill map, be Poseidon. As soon as the game starts,

cast Lure just beside the Plenty Vault in the middle of the map. The Lure Stone

will capture the vault. While it will not win you the game (unless if the vault

is on an island), it will get you extra resources in the time it takes your

opponent to try to reclaim it.

Easy win:


Use the following trick for an easy victory on any random map and some campaign

maps. Enable the PANDORAS BOX code random god power until you get a Plenty Vault.

Then enable the DIVINE INTERVENTION code until you have four or five. If you have

not already done so, enable the L33T SUPA H4X0R code to accelerate building

construction and unit production. Use some villagers or Ulfarsks to build a

military production building (i.e. barracks); then select a desired unit for

production and choose the "Repeat" button. This will pump your enemy's base

full of your units continuously and ensure a complete victory.

Age of Mythology God Strategy Cheats:


Submitted by: Gaurav kumar meena



His Bolt kills any unit except Transports and Ox Carts. To use this bolt

effectively do not waste it on simply any unit, wait until you are threatened

by a huge unit such as a Son of Osiris or Nidhogg. Starts with 25 Favor, gains

favor quickly and can reach 200 Favor. Hoplites move faster. Infantry do 150%

damage to buildings. His Myth Tech, Olympic Parentage, increases the hit points

of Heroes.



This brother of Zeus' god power is Lure which creates a stone that lures a certain

number of animals before disappearing after luring a desired number of animals.

Cavalry and Stables cheaper with Poseidon and. Militia appear at razed (destroyed)

buildings. Also, your market trade cheaper.



Submitted by: teja0080

Press enter and type in the following cheat "runcobracar" and click on the town

centre it gives u a cobra car we ballastic missiles.



Submitted by: yugal and juga

Press enter and write "mogonarc"you will get five rambodragons

Unlimited Son of Osiris:


First, make sure that you are worship Isis, then when advancing into the Mythic

age, worship Osiris, then research New Kingdom at the temple, usethe "divine

intervention" cheat on the Son Of Osiris god power and use it on both of your

pharaohs. Then, wait about a minute, and you will get another pharaoh. Use the

Son of Osiris god power on it, and repeat the process as many times as you like!

(Don't forget to keep using the "divine intervention" cheat for the Son of Osiris

god power.)

Greek Help:


Every one of the Greek gods have Haephaestus as one of their last demi-gods. You

should always choose him as he is the very best demi-god in the game. He has Titans

as his main creature, which are the most powerful, and his power- the vault of plenty

gives a slow trickle of resources in you stash. It doesn't seem like much, but before

you know it, you will have 16000 of each resource.

Unlimited Sons of Osiris:


To start, you must be worshipping the major Egyptian God Isis or Ra. Then, advance to

the Mythic Age and worship Osiris. Ignore the fact that the mummies that you can make

are useless. Then, select either the Temple or Town Center and choose to research the

technology. The description is the Osiris issues another Pharaoh to govern your people.

After that. Enable the DIVINE INTERVENTION code. Do this as many times as desired. Each

time it is enabled, you can use each of your God Powers one more time. Then, use the

Son of Osiris God Power on both of your Pharaohs to have two Sons of Osiris. About every

three to five minutes, another Pharaoh will appear near your Town Center, which you will

then use the God Power on. Within fifteen to twenty minutes, you should have about eight

to ten of these powerhouses. By doing this, you can wipe out an enemy base that stretches

over half of the map without losing one of them. When you have them attack something,

the lightening that shoots from their rods will also reach through the initial target

to up to four other enemy units or buildings.

Easy duplicates:


To surf through multiple scenarios in "The Fall of the Trident" campaign simultaneously,

use the following trick. Pause game play, then press [Enter] to display the chat box.

Enable the CHANNEL SURFING code. Highlight the text. Press [Ctrl] + C. Press [Enter] to

enable the code, and then keep pressing [Enter] then [Ctrl] + V then [Enter] repeatedly

to allow the game to initialize the loading of all the next scenarios in the campaign.

Once you are finished duplicating, resume the game by pressing [Pause]. You should see

the game loading the next scenario. Note: This will take awhile. The amount of time

required to load depends on how many times you had duplicated.

Floating enemies:


Enter Mount Olympus and get a few Niddhogs. Raid an enemy city and continuously use

Meteor Power on large warrior armies. Sometimes an enemy will be floating while kicking

their legs. Get rid of them by building over them.

Go through walls:


When you are an Egyptian, get the Son Of Osiris god power and use it. When you use the

power (you will gain another Pharaoh afterwards), use the Divine Intervention god power

and keep using it. When you get about eleven or more, go to your enemy and attack with

your Sons Of Osiris. When you attack you should start floating, and your Sons Of Osiris

will go through the wall.

Playing as other players:


This what you have to do:

1.go onto campaign, menu and click on one of the scenarios

2.Skip the clip and quit the game.

3.go to editor on file and click on the option speaking alien babble and click on it.

5.scroll on the top until it says something like "test game" then click on it.

6.There should be on what playing to "test" as, click on one of the players.

7.Enjoy taking over Atlantis!

Finishing chapter 32 quickly:


You can quickly finish this by first building up your economy and upgrade very fast

to the Mythic Age. Then upgrade as many as you can while at the same time building

your army. After that destroy one temple near a town centre to the west and you will

get Meteor Power. I think your meat, wood and gold should be about 20,000 and your

favor is at 200. Then make a wonder and send all your villagers to build it. Then

you will get the Gift from Zeus which will make Arkantos a super powerful Demi-God

(you will lose the rest of your God powers, but it's worth it). Then, using the God

Power on Arkantos, start your attack. But be warned a poseidon statue you must leave

some queued on your military. Then that's it you beaten the game congratulations.

Building up your economy fast:


At first you will have 3-5 villagers. Then find some animals that you can hunt but

have 1 villager build houses, use all your meat to buy more villagers, when you have

at least 25 villagers divide them into 3 groups one will gather the food, the other

gold and the last one wood. And that's about it, you have to know this what I do this

all the time. And surprisingly it works in about 10 minutes I already have 20,000 in

each resources.

How to kill Poseidon Statue in a short time:


Submitted by: The Hero

When you have reach mission 32, you will facing the Statue of Poseidon. Then, you will

have the 3 god powers. You don't need to advancing age and bulit a wonder. Just type

"DIVINE INTERVENTION" cheat around 5 or 7. Then, use the bolt power to the Living Statue

(Note: The Statue won't die in once.) until it's die.

Easy Play:


Submited by- Aninda Das(IamGOD)


During gameplay press enter and type these codes

JUNK FOOD NIGHT - Get 100 Food


ATM OF EREBUS - Get 1000 Gold

PANDORAS BOX - New God Power



Submitted by: nanish

In the sixth campaign where we need to build trojan horse we can win it by lazer bears.

Bring about 5 lazer bears and attack troy. You should destroy 3 fortresses to win.

Destroy two on your left leave the last fortress (the one to your right) after u have

destroyed whole troy then destroy the last one. See troy crumble by typing WRATH OF


Easy win:


To win very easily on a 1 vs. 1 supremacy match against a Titan opponent, use Loki. You

will need to do a rush attack on the CPU in the Archaic Age. To do this, just keep sending

about five Ulfsarks near the CPU's Town Center. Then, circulate your units around his Town

Center by using waypoints, patrol, and the "Stand Ground" stance close to his usual temple-

building location, like the gold mine. Each and every time you catch a unit building any

Temple, immediately try to kill that builder. Stay away from the Town Center's range as

soon as you attack him. He will have to destroy the foundation, attack back, or run away.

This causes him to waste his resources, thus advancing at a later time. Build a few houses

or your own temple around his Town Center for a nice line of sight view of the "temple

builder", then try to concentrate on gathering resources and researching improvements.

Remember to cast "Spy" on a villager as well, and surround his Town Center with your

Ulfsarks while staying at a far enough distance from arrow attacks. This will allow you

to gain control of the enemy's land. If the temple builder attacks you, simply attack back

from a safe distance, lure him into the darkness, or use some of your other reinforcements

to team up against him. Watch out for newly created temple builders, and hunt down more

temple foundations around his town center. You may want to also build some walls around

his land to "confuse" the AI (block him off from going any further or near to resources).

Note: If you allow a Titan player to build the Temple with success, you are almost always

doomed. An exception is when you have military buildings, units, walls, and watch towers

surrounding him already in the Classical Age, so it does not matter if he advances. Save

regularly if you cannot multitask efficiently. Watch the CPU's temple builder and advance

to the next age quickly. This concept applies for the Egyptians and Greeks as well.

The only thing that you will now need is five villagers, your obelisk-casting priests,

mercenaries, and scouts for some additional line of sight of the builder instead.

Note: You are not supposed to be able defeat a Titan player on a Supremacy-type random

map game; only in Campaign or Deathmatch modes.


Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2010
