Friday, September 24, 2010

Airline Tycoon - Evolution

Cheat Codes:


Update by: Draconis

Submitted by: conner54

Type these codes directly during gameplay.Enjoy!

Effect Code


Level select - atmissall

More people at airport - crowd

$10,000,000 - donaldtrump

$1,000,000,000 - megarichman

Airport expands - expander

Eliminate debts - nodebts

All flights visible - showall

Notebook - thinkpad

Glue - moreglue

Stink bombs - morestench

Increased reputation - famous

See passenger thoughts - bubblegum

Level skip - winning

Enemy has $1,000,000,000 - richenemy

All missions in Evolution - evolutioncomplete

Days pass very fast - attestxx

Character can move anywhere - attestit

Walk very fast:


Go to the end of the airport near the museum. There is a vending

machine located here. Click on it. You will get electrocuted, but

afterwards you will have a pop in your item bar. Click on it. You

will be able to temporarily walk extremely fast. Anytime you need

another pop, just click on the vending machine.

Note: If you first get the gloves off the counter at PetrolAir you

will not be zapped when you get the can from the vending machine.

Airpetrol backroom:


Enable the "All secret items and novelties" code. You will see a

violin case. Go to Airpetrol and give that item to the Airpetrol

man. Exit Airpetrol and click on the fire extinguisher. You will

go through a revolving door. Click on the man inside and he will

sabotage your competitor's airline for you.

Customize airplanes:


Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup

copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the

"builds.csv" file in the "game\data" folder.

The format for the parts is ID TAG, NICK, COST, WEIGHT, POWER FACTOR,


You can edit the settings to your satisfaction.

All secret items and novelties:


Type donaldtrump for $10 million. Then, press [F6] to get all secret

items and novelties.

Quick money:


To get lots of money in a very short period of time, type megarichman

then hold [F6].


Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2010


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