Friday, September 24, 2010

Airport Tycoon

Get Money Fast


When you go to the main menu u press "Show me the money"

and then you will have money.

Submitted by: nightraider



Here are the buildings you need in order to get contracts

rolling in: a passenger terminal connected to the main

road, a plane stand near the terminal's gate area, a

control tower, and a runway. You'll want to add maintenance

buildings, parking lots, airport administration, and a fire

station as soon as you can afford to do so.

If you can't find the control tower on the Build menu, don't

panic. Some buildings aren't available until later in the game.

Most contract offers are intentionally low, so you can

usually get away with sending most of them back at least

once and negotiating for a better offer.


Taken from CheatBook-DataBase 2010


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